Who is Matheus Padilha ?




I'm a fan of Animes and Mangas, but I also like to read Educative and "Mind Opener" books, which make me think about daily things, productive time, etc.


I like to play mainly FPS games, but I recently started to like MMO's RPG's games. The games inspires me to pursue my professional objective.

Innovations and Techs

As the world evolves, we humans also evolves, for that reason I'm always looking for Technology news, some at my interesting areas or that the matters is globally important.
A unique history

Just a little about me

I was born in 2002 in a port city. My father always insisted that I practice sports. Because of that, I spend a lot of time playing soccer and swimming. Nowadays I practice Gym, exercise became an essential part of my daily routine.

My life goal is to be a happy person and spread happiness and love to people around me. I dream of having a family and children that I can take care of and give love.

My favorite drink is coffee (alcoholic is Beer). I don't like to use Social Media but in some subjects it turns to be required/essential.


Fond of Innovation

I'm an extrovert, I like to make friends and talk about lots of things, such as Innovations, Nature, Animes. And I'm looking forward to the future as I want to change it, to better for sure. I seek to improve people's lives when I get an opportunity.

Web Development

At first, I'm learning about Web Development, beacause it sounds "easier" to start. However at long term, I'd like to dive into Neuroscience/Virtual Reality.

Progamming Languages

I have some knowledge with Web Dev, C/C++ and now studying Python while improving my C skills. At College I've learned a little about Java and PhP. Studied a little of Data Bases also.

Where I live Brazil
Cellphone Contact +55(42)9 98366677
E-mail padilha.matheus@hotmail.com
Schedule Mon - Fri: 10AM to 5PM